Hlmk2mv Collection: The Christmas Promise &
Hlmk2mv Collection: The Christmas Promise &

Hlmk2mv Collection: The Christmas Promise &, Hlmk2mv Collection: The Christmas Promise &, DVD

A year after losing her fiance in a car accident, Nicole (Torrey DeVitto) just wanted to see their unfinished home completed and move on. A therapeutic text she sent him drew compassionate responses from the cell number's new owner... leading to a stunning face-to-face. "The Christmas Promise" co-stars Dylan Bruce, Patrick Duffy. Then, a decade after their high school drama club days, a quintet of friends have a poignant holiday reunion to honor their teacher's passing. "Christmas for Keeps" stars Christa B. Allen, Ashley Newbrough, Ryan Rottman, Marielle Scott, Cardi Wong. 168 min. Total. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.