Tattooed Stranger

Tattooed Stranger, Tattooed Stranger, DVD

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Product Tags:

$5 - $10, Art Jarrett, Arthur Jarrett, Disc on Demand, Drama, Edward J. Montagne, Edward J. Montagne Jr., Frank Tweddell, Henry Lasko, Jack Lord, Jay Bonafield, Jim Boles, John Miles, Jr., Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Mystery / Suspense, Never Before On DVD, Over $10, Patricia White, Philip Reisman, RKO, Rod McLennan, Tattooed Stranger, Under $5, Walter Kinsella

Cops swarm a Central Park crime scene where a cold corpse sits in a hot car. The victim is a Jane Doe, shotgunned elsewhere and driven to the park in the stolen sedan. Veteran cop Corrigan (Walter Kinsella) and Tobin (John Miles), a university-trained rookie Corrigan dismisses as Louis Pasteur, are charged with finding both whodunit and who the victim is. And from a tattoo on the victim's arm to sand-packed shotgun casings that defy ballistics analysis to a blade of a rare type of grass found in the car, the cops pull a case together. Science of the era does a ride-a-long with our detective heroes in this trim yet event-packed B-movie police procedural directed by Edward J. Montagne, producer of the Man Against Crime TV series.

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