Rookie (1990)
Rookie (1990), Rookie (1990), Blu-Ray
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Product Tags:
$5 - $10, Action & Adventure, Al Goto, Alex Sharp, Andy Ryan, Anthony Alexander, Anthony Charnota, Antoinette Levine, Ben Scott, Bill M. Ryusaki, Bill Young, Boaz Yakin, Bobby Aldridge, Brad Bovee, Brian Burrows, Brooke H. Ward, Bruce D. Spellman, Bruce Y. Kuroyama, Bub Asman, Buddy Van Horn, Butch Wolf, Carey Loftin, Carl Ciarfalio, Casey Hallenbeck, Charles Croughwell, Charlie Sheen, Chuck Courtney, Cindy Folkerson, Clay M. Lilley, Clint Eastwood, Cole S. McKay, Coleby Lombardo, Cotton Mather, Craig Hosking, Danny Wong, Darrin Martin, David D. Darling, David L. Horton Jr., David M. Horton, David Perna, David R. Lawson, David Rowden, David Sherrill, David Valdes, Dawn Snyder, Dean Jeffries, Deborah Hopper, Denney Pierce, Don Burgess, Donah Bassett, Donald F. Johnson, Donald Harris, Donna Evans, Donna Mitchell, Drama, Ed Verreaux, Eddie Braun, Eddie Hice, Edward Aiona, Frank Ferrara, Frank Toro, Gary Baxley, Gary Jensen, Gary Monak, George Fortmuller, George Orrison, Glenn Wright, Godfrey Marks, Hal Williams, Harold Selig, Howard G. Kazanjian, J.P. Romano, Jack Anderson, Jack E. McLean Jr., Jack N. Green, James Simcik, James W. Gavin, Jan Aaris, Jani D. Davis, Jay Boryea, Jay M. Boryea, Jayme S. Parker, Jeanne Mori, Jeannie Epper, Jeff Imada, Jeff Ramsey, Jeffrey Wetzel, Jerry Schumacher, Jerry Wills, Jim Wilkey, Jimmy Ortega, Joe Farago, Joe Stone, Joel Cox, Joel Polis, John Alden, John Ashby, John Berger, John Frazier, John Meier, John Murphy, Jordan Lund, Josh Bleibtreu, Judith Bouley, Judy Cammer, Karen Shaw, Keith Dillin, Kenny Endoso, Kerry Rossall, Kurtis Epper, Kyle Eastwood, Lara Flynn Boyle, Larry Holt, Larry Nicholas, Laura Brown, Lennie Niehaus, Les Fresholtz, Lloyd Nelson, Mara Corday, Marco Barla, Marco Rodriguez, Mario Roberts, Marshall Winn, Mary Lou Kenworthy, Marylou Kenworthy, Matt McColm, Matt McKenzie, Melissa Rooker, Michael A. Chavez, Michael Cipriano, Michael Evje, Michael Ferris, Michael Hancock, Michael Jiron, Michael Maurer, Michael Stevens, Mike H. McGaughy, Mike Schwake, Mike Watson, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Murray Close, Mychal Smith, Nick Ballo, Orwin C. Harvey, Over $10, Pat DuVal, Patrick Lee, Paul Ben-Victor, Paul Butler, Paul Ryan, Pepe Serna, Perry Barndt, Pete Randall, Phil Chong, Phil Culotta, Phyllis Huffman, R.L. Tolbert, Randy Bostic, Randy Luna, Raul Julia, Ray Quiroz, Richard L. Duran, Rick Hill, Robert Apisa, Robert Dubac, Robert Fernandez, Robert G. Henderson, Robert Harvey, Roberta Vasquez, Rocky Gehr, Roger LaRue, Ronnie Rondell Jr., Rookie (1990), Roydon Clark, Russell Solberg, Sandy Berumen, Scott Spiegel, Scott Sproule, Seth Allen, Simone Boisseree, Sonia Braga, Spike Silver, Stephanie Epper, Stephen St. John, Steve Geray, Steve Riley, Steven Ito, Steven Siebert, Studio Distribution Services, Susan Germaine, Terry Jackson, Terry Leonard, The Big DVD & Blu-ray Blowout, Thomas H. Friedkin, Thomas Rosales Jr., Tom Cranham, Tom Morga, Tom Rooker, Tom Skerritt, Tom Stern, Tony Plana, Tony Rivetti, Troy Brown, Under $5, Vern Poore, Victor Perez, Vincent J. Baldino, Virginia Cook-McGowan, Walton D. Hadfield, Warner Bros. 90th Anniversary Store, Warner Sale, Wayne King, Will Leong, William T. Lane, Willie Radcliff, Xander BerkeleyClint Eastwood, Charlie Sheen, Raul Julia, Sonia Braga. A veteran cop with a bad attitude partners with a rookie, who has an attitude of his own, and their conflicting ways start to rub off on each other. Directed by Eastwood. 1990/color/121 min/R.