Ps5 New Tales From Borderlands: Deluxe Ed

Ps5 New Tales From Borderlands: Deluxe Ed, Ps5 New Tales From Borderlands: Deluxe Ed, VIDEOGAMES

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Action / Adventure (Video Game), Borderlands, Ps5 New Tales From Borderlands: Deluxe Ed, Take 2 Interactive

Take a stand against ruthless corporate overlords in this narrative-driven adventure! Within the perpetually war-torn metropolis of Promethea, you'll control Anu, Octavio, and Fran on the worst day of their lives. Help these three lovable losers as they endeavor to change the world (and maybe even save it)! Face down a planetary invasion, vicious vault monster, and cold-hearted capitalist in this cinematic thrill ride where what happens next is up to you! Meet a motley cast full of misfits, assassin bots, and talking guns in this race to the top! It's time to fight back against exploitation and corporate greed. It's time to make Mayhem your business.

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