Masterpiece: Sanditon

Masterpiece: Sanditon, Masterpiece: Sanditon, Blu-Ray

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$5 - $10, Alexandra Roach, Anne Reid, Audio Description, Crystal Clarke, Drama, Jack Fox, Jane Austen, Kate Ashfield, Kris Marshall, Masterpiece: Sanditon, Matthew Needham, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Over $10, PBS (Direct), Recently Sold, Romance, Rose Williams, Theo James, Turlough Convery, TV Drama, Under $5

Emmy Award®-winning writer Andrew Davies brings Jane Austens unfinished last novel vividly to life. The once sleepy fishing village of Sanditon is transforming into a fashionable spa resort full of intrigues and dalliances. Changing alongside it is the impulsive and unconventional Charlotte Heywood, who journeys to discover herself and find love on her own terms. Producer: Georgina Lowe.