Jeepers Creepers 2-Movie Coll: Jeepers Creepers 3
Jeepers Creepers 2-Movie Coll: Jeepers Creepers 3

Jeepers Creepers 2-Movie Coll: Jeepers Creepers 3, Jeepers Creepers 2-Movie Coll: Jeepers Creepers 3, DVD

Includes: Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017)Taking place between the first two films, this scare-packed entry in the popular horror series finds "the Creeper" back behind the wheel of his deadly, tricked-out truck and ready to wreak more havoc than ever. Now, it's up to a special task force to discover the monster's sinister origins and try to put a stop to his evil ways for good. Jonathan Breck, Meg Foster, Gabrielle Haugh, and Brandon Smith star. 100 min. C/Rtg: NR Jeepers Creepers: Reborn (2022)Laine (Sydney Craven) grudgingly let her horror-geek boyfriend Chase (Imran Adams) drag her down to Louisiana for an open-air fright fan festival. Unfortunately, there's going to be an unscheduled celebrity appearance-as it's been 23 years since the unstoppable, flesh-eating marauder and his literal monster truck last surfaced-and he's going to take the "escape" out of the escape room. Blood-curdling reboot co-stars Gabriel Freilich, Ocean Navarro, and Jarreau Benjamin as the Creeper. 88 min. C/Rtg: R