Zardoz, Zardoz, DVD
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Bairbre Dowling, Barbre Dowling, Barry Bernardi, Bosco Hogan, Charlotte Rampling, Christopher Casson, David Munrow, Jessica Swift, John Alderton, John Boorman, La Entertainment, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Niall Buggy, Reginald Jannan, Reginald Jarman, Sally Ann Newton, Sally Anne Newton, Sara Kestelman, Science Fiction, Sean Connery, ZardozCult sci-fi action starring Sean Connery. In the distant future the world is divided between two classes, the Barbarians and the Elite, with the former working in poverty and misery to support the decadence of the latter. The Elite have fashioned a huge flying stone head, the mask of the god Zardoz, and use it to collect grain from the Barbarians and keep them under their power. When one of the Barbarians, Zed (Connery), discovers a copy of L. Frank Baum's 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' in an old library he realises that what he has been told is a lie, jumps aboard the stone head, and begins an odyssey to uncover the secrets of the gods.