Last American Virgin
Last American Virgin

Last American Virgin, Last American Virgin, Blu-Ray

THE COMEDY THAT PUTS ZIP INTO BEING A TEEN! THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN is the cult-classic 1980's teen comedy about close-knit group of high school friends, Gary (Lawrence Monoson, Mask), the shy guy; his friend Rick (Steve Antin, The Goonies), the ladies man; and David (Joe Rubbo, Hot Chili), the comic foil, and their exploits in pursuit of love... or at the very least... their first time! Also starring Diane Franklin (Better Off Dead), Louisa Moritz (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and Kimmy Robertson ("Twin Peaks"), this funny, dramatic and nostalgic time capsule chronicles the ups and downs of friendship, romance, and the bittersweet memories of youth, set to a classic 80's soundtrack.