Step By Step: Complete Sixth Season, Step By Step: Complete Sixth Season, DVD
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$5 - $10, All Titles, Angela Watson, Brandon Call, Bronson Pinchot, Christine Lakin, Comedy, Disc on Demand, Jason Marsden, Josh Byrne, Movies & TV › TV, Over $10, Patrick Duffy, Staci Keanan, Step By Step: Complete Sixth Season, Suzanne Somers, TV, TV Comedy, Under $5, Warner ArchiveSeason Six sees Bronson Pinchot (Perfect Strangers) join the cast as beautician Carol Lambert's (Suzanne Somers) new business partner: hairdresser extraordinaire Jean-Luc Rieupeyroux. The partnership comes with Frank Lambert's (Patrick Duffy) blessing, but Frank has second thoughts when Jean-Luc turns out to be a world-class meddler. Whether it involves Carol going incognito to Mark's (Christopher Castile) basketball games, J.T. (Brandon Call) moving into a bachelor sanctuary, Frank's spoiled camping trip or Lilly (Emily Mae Young) getting too many birthday gifts, Jean-Luc is behind it. Meanwhile, all of the grown kids except Brendan (Josh Byrne) want to go to a music festival, but Carol forbids them - until Al (Christine Lakin) discovers that Carol attended Woodstock and smoked marijuana! And to make matters worse, Frank has a midlife crisis.