Criterion Collection
Slacker/Bd, Criterion Collection, Blu-Ray
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$5 - $10, Abra Moore, Albans Benchoff, Aleister Barron, Annick Souhami, Bob Boyd, Brecht Andersch, Brian Crockett, Bruce Hughes, Charles Gunning, Charlotte Norris, Clark Lee Walker, Comedy, Comedy Video, Criterion Collection, D. Angus MacDonald, D. Montgomery, Dan Kratochvil, Daniel Dugan, Daniel Lee, Debbie Pastor, Don Stroud, Ed Hall, Eric Buehlman, Eric Lord, Frank Orrall, Gary Price, Gina Lalli, Greg Ward, Greg Wilson, Gus Vayas, Heather West, Jan Hockey, Janelle Coolich, Jean Caggeine, Jennifer Carroll, Jennifer Schaudies, Jerry Deloney, John Slate, John Spath, Joseph Jones, Kalman Spellitich, Kathy McCarty, Keith Fletcher, Keith McCormack, Kelly Linn, Kendal Smith, Kendall Smith, Kevin Thompson, Kevin Whitley, Kim Krizan, Kyle Rosenblad, Lori Capp, Louis Black, Louis Mackey, Lucinda Scott, Luke Savisky, Marianne Hyatt, Maris Strautmanis, Mark Harris, Mark James, Mark Quirk, Meg Brennan, Michael Laird, Mimi Vitetta, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Nick Maffei, Nigel Benchoff, Nolan Morrison, Over $10, Patrice Sullivan, Phillip Hostak, R. Malice, Rachel Reinhardt, Regina Garza, Richard Linklater, Robert Jacks, Robert Pierson, Ron Marks, Rudy Basquez, Samuel Dietert, Sarah Harmon, Scott Marcus, Scott Rhodes, Scott Van Horn, Sean Coffey, Sharon Roos, Shelly Kristaponis, Skip Fulton Jr., Stella Weir, Stephan Hockey, Stephen Jacobson, Steve Anderson, Steven Anderson, Stewart Bennet, Susannah Simone, Tamsy Ringler, Teresa Taylor, Terrence Kirk, Tom Pallotta, Under $5, WammoSLACKER, directed by Richard Linklater (DAZED AND CONFUSED), presents a day in the life of a loose-knit Austin, Texas, subculture populated by eccentric and overeducated young people. Shooting on 16 mm for a mere $3,000, writer-producer-director Linklater and his crew of friends threw out any idea of a traditional plot, choosing instead to create a tapestry of over a hundred characters, each as compelling as the last. SLACKER is a prescient look at an emerging generation of aggressive nonparticipants, and one of the key films of the American independent film movement of the 1990s.