Seconds/Dvd, Criterion Collection, DVD
Product Tags:
$5 - $10, All, Barbara Werle, Criterion Collection, Dody Heath, Dorothy Morris, Edgar Stehli, Edward Lewis, Elisabeth Fraser, Father's Day, Frances Reid, Frank Campanella, François Ruggieri, Horror & Suspense, Jeff Corey, Jerry Goldsmith, John Frankenheimer, John Lawrence, John Randolph, Karl Swenson, Khigh Dhiegh, Lewis John Carlino, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Murray Hamilton, Musicals & Performing Arts, Mystery & Thrillers, Mystery / Suspense, Ned Young, Over $10, Richard Anderson, Robert Brubaker, Rock Hudson, Salome Jens, Thom Conroy, Under $5, Wesley Addy, Will Geer, William Richard Wintersole, William WintersoleRock Hudson (ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS) is a revelation in this sinister, science-fiction-inflected dispatch from the fractured 1960s. SECONDS, directed by John Frankenheimer (THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE), concerns a middle-aged businessman dissatisfied with his suburban existence, who elects to undergo a strange and elaborate procedure that will grant him a new life. Starting over in America, however, is not as easy as it sounds. This paranoiac symphony of canted camera angles (courtesy of famed cinematographer James Wong Howe), fragmented editing, and layered sound design is a remarkably risk-taking Hollywood film that ranks high on the list of it's legendary director's major achievements.