Safe/Dvd, Criterion Collection, DVD
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Alan Wasserman, Brendan Dolan, Cassy Friel, Categories, Chauncey Leopardi, Chris Brewster, Christine Vachon, Criterion Collection, Dan Poche, Dana Anderson, Dean Norris, Denny Vachlioti, Drama, Ed Tomney, Edith Meeks, Eleanor Graham, Elinor O Caplan, Francesca P Roberts, Gerrielani Miyazaki, James LeGros, Jean St James, Jo Wilkinson, Jodie Markell, Joe Comando, Julianne Moore, Julie Burgess, Kate McGregor-Stewart, Lauren Zalaznick, Martha Velez-Johnson, Mary Carver, Mitch Greenhill, Peter Friedman, Ravi Achar, Ronnie Farer, Saachiko, Sarah Davis, Susan Norman, Tim Gardner, Todd Haynes, Tricia Dong, Wendy Haynes, Xander BerkeleyJulianne Moore (SHORT CUTS) gives a breakthrough performance as Carol White, a Los Angeles housewife in the late 1980s who comes down with a debilitating illness. After the doctors she sees can give her no clear diagnosis, she comes to believe that she has frighteningly extreme environmental allergies. A profoundly unsettling work from the great American director Todd Haynes (FAR FROM HEAVEN), Safe functions on multiple levels: as a prescient commentary on self-help culture, as a metaphor for the AIDS crisis, as a drama about class and social estrangement, and as a horror film about what you cannot see. This revelatory drama was named the best film of the 1990s in a Village Voice poll of more than fifty critics.