Return To Snowy River

Return To Snowy River, Return To Snowy River, DVD

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Action / Adventure, Alan Hopgood, Alec Wilson, Brian Dennehy, Bruce Clarkson, Bruce Rowland, Bryan Marshall, Cae Rees, Charlie Lovick, Christopher Stevenson, Cornelia Frances, David Eggby, Derek Scott, Geoff Beamish, Geoff Burrowes, Gerald Egan, Greg Stroud, Harry Hope, John Bird, John Dixon, John Johnston, John Raaen, Mark Hembrow, Mark Pennell, Nicholas Eadie, Nick Waters, Oscar Nichols, Paul Purcell, Peter Browne, Peter Cummins, Peter Tulloch, Return To Snowy River, Rhys McConnochie, Robert Purcell, Sigrid Thornton, Tom Burlinson, Tony Barry, Wayne Lovick, Wyn Roberts, Wynn Roberts

Brian Dennehy, Sigrid Thorton, Tom Burlinson. In this sequel to the Man from Snowy River, a frontiersman returns to the Australian highlands and his lover after a three-year absence. 1988/color/99 min/PG/fullscreen.

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