Ransom, Ransom, DVD
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$5 - $10, Ainslie Pryor, Alan Harris, Alex Frazer, Alex Segal, Alexander Scourby, All Titles, Art Lewis, Ben Cameron, Benny Burt, Beryl McCutcheon, Billy Nelson, Bob Davis, Bobby Clark, Charles Anthony Hughes, Charles Herbert, Dale Van Sickel, Dick Rich, Dick Ryan, Disc on Demand, Donna Reed, Drama, Duane Thorsen, Edwin Parker, George Dockstader, George Dunn, Glenn Ford, Gregg Martell, Guy Wilderson, Hal Taggart, Harvey Dunn, Howard Negley, Irving Mitchell, Jack Daly, Jack Gargan, Jack Rice, Jo Gilbert, Joe McGuinn, John Bennes, John Hiestand, John McKee, John Zaremba, Jonathan Hole, Juanita Moore, Juano Hernandez, Judi Jordan, Kay English, Larry Nash, Lenore Kingston, Leon Tyler, Leslie Nielsen, Lori March, Mabel Albertson, Mary Alan Hokanson, Max Palmer, May McAvoy, Michael Dugan, Mort Mills, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Mystery / Suspense, Nicholas Nayfack, Olan Soule, Over $10, Patsy Novak, Paul Brinegar, Paul McGuire, Paula Trent, Peter Adams, Pitt Herbert, Ransom, Richard Gaines, Robert Burton, Robert Forrest, Robert Keith, Saul Gorss, Sig Frohlich, Skip Torgerson, Under $5, Walter Flannery, Warner Archive Collection, William H. McLean, William Leicester, William RhinehartTo Stannard (Glenn Ford) the money is irrelevant, but when he realizes that paying the kidnappers will not guarantee his sons safety, he goes on nationwide television to announce that he will not pay the men who have taken his son; instead, he offers millions to anyone who can return his son unharmed and help capture the kidnappers. Now, as the FBI warns that his actions are foolish, his wife (Academy Award winner Donna Reed) opposes his choice and his sons bloody shirt is located, Stannard refuses to waver from his high stakes decision.