Party Animal

Party Animal, Party Animal, DVD

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Product Tags:

$5 - $10, All MGM Titles, Barbara Baylis, Comedy, Comedy-Contemporary, David Beaird, Disc on Demand, Frank Galati, Frannie James, Gerald Michenaud, Joan Dykman, Luci Roucis, Matthew Causey, MGM, MOD CreateSpace Video, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Over $10, Party Animal, Patti Tippo, Robin Ann Harlan, Studio Specials, Suzanne Ashley, Under $5

Pondo (Matthew Causey) has come to college for one reason: The babes! But this bumbling backwoods freshman can't even get to first base, not even with help from his hunky, B.M.O.C. roommate (Tim Carhart). So Pondo does what any hopeless hayseed would do: He heads for the chemistry lab to make moonshine and stumbles upon a special concoction that makes him so irresistible, no woman will be able to keep her hands off him!

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