Making The Grade, Making The Grade, Blu-Ray
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$5 - $10, Comedy, Comedy-Contemporary, Dorian Walker, Gordon Jump, Judd Nelson, Making The Grade, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Olive, Over $10, Ronald Lacey, Under $5From high school rebel in The Breakfast Club to prep school impersonator, Judd Nelson's (Blue City) irreverent brand of humor is prominently on display in Making The Grade. Rich, preppy Palmer Woodrow (Dana Olsen, The Burbs) would much rather be skiing in Europe than attending Hoover Academy prep school, which provides Palmer with his last shot at graduating. As it turns out Palmer is more motivated than anyone imagines. Enter Eddie Keaton (Nelson), a low-rent con artist in need of cash and on the run from a loanshark (Andrew Dice Clay, Blue Jasmine). With $10,000 and a Porsche courtesy of Palmer, Eddie assumes his identity. Hoover Academy will never be the same. Making The Grade, directed by Dorian Walker (Teen Witch) from a screenplay by Gene Quintano based on a story by Quintano and Charles Gale, co-stars Jonna Lee (Chained Heat), Gordon Jump (House Calls) and Ronald Lacey (Raiders of the Lost Ark).