In Cold Blood/Bd, Criterion Collection, Blu-Ray
Product Tags:
$5 - $10, Action & Adventure, Al Christy, Brenda C. Currin, Charles McGraw, Criterion Collection, Criterion Collection (Direct), Drama, Duke Hobbie, Gerald S. O'Loughlin, James Flavin, Jeff Corey, Jim Lantz, John Forsythe, John Gallaudet, John McLiam, Movies, Movies & TV Prime Day, Movies & TV › Movies, Mystery / Suspense, Over $10, Paul Stewart, Prime Day 10% Off, Raymond Hatton, Recently Sold, Richard Brooks, Robert Blake, Ronda Fultz, Ruth Storey, Scott Wilson, Sheldon Allman, Stan Levitt, Teddy Eccles, Under $5, Vaughn Taylor, Will GeerTruman Capote's best seller, a breakthrough narrative account of real-life crime and punishment, became an equally chilling film in the hands of writer-director Richard Brooks. Cast for their unsettling resemblances to the killers they play, Robert Blake and Scott Wilson give authentic, not so show-like performances as Perry Smith and Dick Hickock, who in 1959 murdered a family of four in Kansas during a botched robbery. Brooks brings a detached, documentary-like starkness to this uncompromising view of an American tragedy and it's aftermath; at the same time, stylistically In Cold Blood is a filmmaking master class, with clinically precise editing, chiaroscuro black-and-white cinematography by the great Conrad Hall, and a menacing jazz score by Quincy Jones.