Hudsucker Proxy

Hudsucker Proxy, Hudsucker Proxy, Blu-Ray

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$5 - $10, Ace O'Connell, Anna Nicole Smith, Arthur Bridges, Barbara Ann Grimes, Bruce Campbell, Carter Burwell, Charles Durning, Christopher Darga, Colin Fickes, Comedy, Comedy-Contemporary, Cynthia Baker, Dave Hagar, David Byrd, David Fawcett, David Gould, David Massie, Dick Sasso, Ed Lillard, Eleanor Glockner, Ernie Sarracino, Ethan Coen, Frank Jeffries, Gary Allen, Gil Pearson, Harry Bugin, Harvey Meyer, Hudsucker Proxy, I M Hobson, James Deuter, Jay Kapner, Jeff Still, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jerome Dempsy, Jesse Brewer, Jim True, Joanne Pankow, Joe Grifasi, Joel Coen, John Cameron, John Mahoney, John Scanlan, John Seitz, John Wylie, Jon Polito, Joseph Marcus, Karl Mundt, Kathleen Perkins, Linda McCoy, Lou Criscuolo, Marc Garber, Mario Todisco, Mark Miller, Mary Lou Rosato, Michael Earl Reid, Mike Starr, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Nelson George, Noble Willingham, Over $10, Pamela Everett, Patrick Cranshaw, Paul Newman, Peter Gallagher, Peter McPherson, Peter Siragusa, Phil Loch, Recently Sold, Richard Schiff, Richard Whiting, Richard Woods, Rick Peeples, Robert Greenfield, Robert Weil, Roderic R Duff, Roy Brocksmith, Sam Raimi, Skipper Dune, Stan Adams, Stan Lichtenstein, Steve Buscemi, Thom Noble, Tim Robbins, Todd Alcott, Tom Toner, Troy Borisy, Under $5, Wantland Sandel, Warner Archive, William Cobbs, William Duff-Griffin, Willie Reale

Paul Newman, Tim Robbins and Jennifer Jason Leigh star in filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen's darkly comic look at big business. When the founder of Hudsucker Industries leaps to his death from the 44th floor boardroom window the board of directors panics. But there is a plan: install a complete imbecile as president of the company and devalue the stock so the board can acquire a controlling interest for themselves. But where can they find such a guileless patsy? Enter Norville Barnes. Fresh off the bus from Muncie, Indiana, as a graduate of the 1958 class of the Muncie College of Business Administration, Norville is ready to start at the bottom and work his way up to the top of the corporate world... he just never imagined it would happen so quickly.

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