Hard Ride

Hard Ride, Hard Ride, DVD

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Product Tags:

$5 - $10, Action & Adventure, Albert Cole, Biff Elliot, Burt Topper, Cheezy Flicks Ent, Hard Ride, Marshall Reed, Mikel Angel, Movies, Movies & TV › Movies, Over $10, Phyllis Selznick, R.L. Armstrong, Robert Fuller, Sherry Bain, Tony Russel, Under $5, William Bonner

While in Vietnam, a GI promises his dying buddy that he'll take care of his motorcycle "Baby" when he gets back home. After his discharge, Phil meets up with his dead friend's girlfriend Sheryl, gets the bike, and then runs into trouble with the law and from some other bikers who don't like the idea of his having the motorcycle or the girl. A crazy biker 1970s style wide ride movie!

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