Eight Is Enough: Season Two Part 1 & Part 2 Comple, Eight Is Enough: Season Two Part 1 & Part 2 Comple, DVD
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$5 - $10, Adam Rich, All Titles, Betty Buckley, Comedy, Connie Needham, Dianne Kay, Dick Van Patten, Disc on Demand, Eight Is Enough: Season Two Part 1 & Part 2 Comple, Grant Goodeve, Lani O'Grady, Laurie Walters, Movies & TV › TV, Over $10, Susan Richardson, TV, TV Drama, Under $5, Warner Archive, Willie AamesEight Is Enough began it's first full season with a gaping hole in the center - the tragic loss of actress Diana Hyland who played Bradford matriarch Joan. As the season begins newspaper columnist Tom Bradford is now a widower and the Bradford clan is still healing. Thanks to the arrival of Sandra (Betty Buckley) smiles come more quickly to the Bradford kids and love might be in the air for Tom. The eight Bradford children mix humor and drama while confronting a host of life's timeless travails. Notable guests of the Bradford's include Alice's Beth Howland plus Don Johnson Gerald McRaney Will Geer and Robin Williams. The second half of Eight is Enough's sophomore season sees Abby fully ensconced as the new lady of clan Bradford while the crew carries on after their stolen Christmas. The New Year brings with it a host of new challenges: when Abby suffers a horrible head injury the whole family must come together to share some special memories to make sure the family's newest member makes it through the night. And keep your eyes peeled for Partridge Danny Bonaduce among the Bradford's guests.