Eclispe 22: Sacha Guitry/Dvd, Criterion Collection, DVD
Product Tags:
$5 - $10, All, Arletty, Comedy, Comedy Video, Criterion Collection, Drama, Featured DVD, Featured Movie Boxed Sets & Bundles, Jacqueline Delubac, Jacques Baumer, Jean-Louis Barrault, Marcel Dalio, Marguerite Moreno, Movie Boxsets, Movies & TV Boxsets, Movies & TV › TV, Over $10, Sacha Guitry, TV, Under $5Sacha Guitry was once a household name. Something of a Gallic counterpart to Noel Coward, this disarming, multitalented artist served up some of 1930s French cinema's tastiest dishes. The son of a beloved theater actor, Guitry was devoted to the footlights, first turning to the silver screen as a way of bringing his plays to a wider audience. His films were anything but stage-bound, however: often the director, writer, and star of his popular movies, Guitry brought a witty inventiveness to the cinema and deployed radical tactics with such aplomb and control that he's considered one of the medium's first complete auteur. With these four films, American audiences can finally sample Guitry's creative, comic confections.