Dinosaur (2000)

Dinosaur (2000), Dinosaur (2000), Blu-Ray

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Aaron Alexander Spann, Aaron Spann, Al Broussard, Alan A. Patel, Alfre Woodard, Allen Gonzales, Andrea Taylor, Andrew Page, Atsushi Sato, Baker Bloodworth, Barbara Iley, Barbara T. Labounta, Beau Borders, Ben Croy, Bill Fletcher, Bill James, Billy West, Bobbi Page, Bobby Beck, Bobby L. Fowler Jr., Brad Dechter, Brad Lowman, Brett Boydstun, Brian Magerkurth, Bruce D. Buckley, Camille Winbush, Carolyn Soper, Cathy Cavadini, Chelsea Russo, Chris Hummel, Chris Johnson, Christian Cunningham, Christine Cram, Christopher Boyes, Craig Caton, Cristy Maltese, D.B. Sweeney, Dale Drummond, Daniel P. Murphy, Dara McGarry, Daran Norris, Darrin Butts, David Kramer, David McCharen, David R. Hardberger, Dawnie DeSantis, Dean A. Zupancic, Della Reese, Dennis Mchugh, Dick Zondag, Dinosaur (2000), Don Poquette, Don Waller, Donn Markel, Doug White, Douglas Miller, Dow Griffith, Dwayne McClintock, Edie Lehmann-Boddicker, Elizabeth Meyer, Emmanuelle-Claude Heroux, Eric Algren, Eric Gervais-Despres, Eric Leighton, Evan Jacobs, Evan Sabara, Family, Floyd Casey, Frank E. Eulner, Fred Hermann, Gerard DiNardi, Greg Finley, Greg Maguire, Gregg Lukomski, Hayden Panettiere, Holly Dorff, James MacBurney, James Newton Howard, Jason Hilkey, Jeff Fischer, Jennifer Blair, Jennifer Nash, Jeremy Kendall, Jim Aupperle, Jim Hillin, Jim Meyer, Jim Weidman, Joan Plowright, Joel Fletcher, John Harrison, John Joyce, John Kent Harrison, John Walcutt, Jon Warren, Julianna Margulies, Juniko Moody, Kama Moiha, Ken Sandberg, Kenneth VanOrder, Kent Burton, Kevin A. McGuire, Kevin Bowe, Kevin Willmering, Kim Boyle, Kirk Scott, Larry White, Laurence Rees, Lisa Greenspan, Lori Korngiebel, Lucy Taylor, Marc Fleury, Marc Jordan, Mark A. Hester, Mark Kimball, Mark M. Tokunaga, Mark R. Wilkins, Mary Hidalgo, Matt Adler, Max Casella, Melanie Spore, Michael Joyce, Michael Kuehn, Michael R. King, Michael Zarembski, Mike Belzer, Neil Krepela, Neil Okamoto, Norbert Faerstain, Noreen Reardon, Ossie Davis, Owen Klatte, Pam Marsden, Pete Anthony, Peter Dress, Peter Lepeniotis, Peter Siragusa, Ralp, Ralph Zondag, Rhonda Wheelan, Robert Brakey, Robert Nelson Jacobs, Roy Meurin, Ruth Lambert, Sam Hill, Sam Wright, Samuel E. Wright, Sandina Bailo-Lape, Sandina Bailolape, Sandy Houston, Sandy Sunseri, Scott Garrett, Sean Mathiesen, Sergi Sagas, Shawn Murphy, Steve Carpenter, Steven L. Groom, Susan Royal, Susan Stevens Logan, Susie Stevens-Logan, Terry Porter, Thom Enriquez, Thomas R. Bryant, Thomas Rasada, Tom Milo, Tony Matthews, Tracy Metro, Trey Thomas, Walon Green, Walter P. Martishius, Wendy Mashburn, Winston Quitasol, Yancy Calzada, Zachary Bostrom, Zsolt Krajcsik

Blu-ray/DVD COMBO. Join the action-packed adventure of a group of dinosaurs overcoming enormous challenges through courage, loyalty and hope in Disney's DINOSAUR, a special effects phenomenon! Set 65 million years ago, DINOSAUR tells the compelling story of Aladar, an iguanadon who is separated from his own kind and raised by a clan of lemurs, including the wisecracking Zini and the compassionate Plio. When a meteor shower destroys their home, Aladar and his family follow a herd of dinosaurs heading for the safety of the nesting grounds. Along the way, Aladar befriends Baylene, an elderly brachiosaur; Eema, an unstoppable strachosaru; and Neera, a feisty fellow iguanadon. Together, they must stand strong amidst food and water shortages, the threat of carnotaur attacks, and Aladar's run-ins with the herd's stubborn leader, Kron. A landmark in filmmaking technology, DINOSAUR's theatrical quality is fully captured in this DVD, which features a digital-to-digital transfer that ensures the best possible picture and sound quality!